Taylor Jolin

Hacker | Musician | Innovator | Dreamer

Tag: penetration testing


Pentesting Methodology – Physical Attacks

This workflow is in no way associated with any other framework. This is my personal general approach to hacking a machine or network. Also, this is in no particular order, just a brain dump of how I would do something.

Physical Attacks

Do you have physical access to the network or a machine? If so there are a ton of physical attacks that can be waged on a network or machine.

One attack that is fairly easy to do is outlined below. I refer to it as the SETHC Attack. Remember, you need physical access to the machine you are attacking for this hack to work.

  1. First, you need to find an boot disk of some sort. Linux Distro, Hiren’s Boot CD, anything that gives access to the file directory. Once you have your boot disc in order, insert it into the computer and reboot. Enter the Bios’ boot mode and select the media that you wish to boot to (i.e. your boot disc).
  2. Once booted, use the file manager and locate a file called SETHC.EXE. It will be located in C:\Windows\System32\
  3. Make a copy of the file and name it whatever you like.
  4. Find the executable for the CMD Prompt, CMD.EXE, which is also in that folder. Copy it and rename it SETHC.EXE
  5. Reboot the computer and let it boot into Windows.
  6. At the login screen, hit the SHIFT button 5 times and a CMD window will appear.
  7. Type in the following to reset the local administrator account:
    • net user administrator password
    • NOTE: password should be changed to your desired password
  8. Login to the computer with the local admin account.